Take a look at your current surroundings. Are you reading this article on a desktop computer? On a tablet or cellphone? You may be sitting at home or in an office and your car is parked outside on concrete. We are surrounded by objects and structures that started off as pellets or powder, transported by bulk tanks.

Bulk pneumatic transportation of dry commodities is a crucial part of any industry, and the logistics around it is no easy task. It goes beyond transporting material from A to B and in this article, we go over 3 of the most important factors when choosing a bulk pneumatic transportation company in Calgary.

Before we begin, let’s answer this common question…

What is a pneumatic trailer?

Also known as a dry bulk tank, a pneumatic trailer is a metal cylinder with cone-shaped hoppers. At the top of the hopper are “manholes” for loading dry bulk and at the bottom is a valve that opens into a pipe for unloading. The truck utilizes a compressor to transfer the commodity into a silo.

Hauling dry products requires care, proper equipment, and making sure all of the following details are met.

1. Fully-trained drivers

Drivers must be licensed to drive bulk pneumatic trailers and safety-trained in dry bulk transportation. This includes the required transportation training, fall protection, and cargo securement. Transportation companies are responsible for ensuring that their drivers receive a proper orientation of managing tank loads, are certified, and attend necessary refresher training and re-certification.

2. Attention to detail

One of the biggest issues and challenges of dry bulk transportation is contamination. An experienced transportation company will know how to prevent or minimize contamination, often reserving hoppers for a specific material and requiring drivers to wash the truck after a load.

Contamination can initiate a domino effect across companies – not only will the client pay for that loss with downtime and delays, but the shipper may be required to pay for those costs as well. Furthermore, the transportation company responsible will receive negative reviews and lose business.

3. Trucks must be equipped with the right technology

In this day and age, pneumatic trailers must be equipped with modern technology. Clients want to know where their material is, the estimated time of arrival, and that their product is being safely delivered. Transportation companies that use intuitive GPS tracking, high-volume blowers, and the latest technology to improve operations have a competitive advantage. Those benefits are then passed over to the client when goods are delivered safely and on time with minimal issues.

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